Hazardous Waste Management

Hazardous Waste Management | Greenship Recyclingp

Hazardous Waste Management

Most of material derived from old ships is reused and recycled, however some hazardous material has to be disposed in the secure way and Ghaziabad Ship Breakers Pvt. Ltd. very well believes in being a responsible corporate citizen and dispose off the waste in most secure manner. We are a member of GEPIL up to 2021 to dispose of the hazardous material.

Ghaziabad Ship Breakers Pvt. Ltd. manages hazardous waste in various stages like:

  • Identification is done by IHM expert who is part of our team
  • Removal is done by trained workers for removal of hazardous material
  • Asbestos containing material (ACM) received from ship is dismantled in Asbestos abatement centre.
  • ACM material is then sprayed with special fluid to ensure that material is soft in nature and does not become friable during abrasive handling.
  • ACM material is then collected in bags which is kept in asbestos storage area and sent to TSDF site very next day.
  • Asbestos containing material is then heat sealed in airtight bags & disposed it to TSDF land fill site as soon as possible.